love you quotes images
☻Nice Kiss is on Head.
Sweet Kiss is on Cheeks.
Passionate Kiss is on Lips.
Romantic Kiss is on Neck
Seriously Hottest Kiss is on “IRON”
Try it now. Mmmmuah
☻Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won't miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.
love you quotes - short message quotes about Love

love you quotes pictures
☻Love is an illusion!
Its a highly dependency disorder
of weak hearted people.
People with strong hearts
believe in FLIRTING :p
☻1+1=2 eyes look at u...
12+12=24 hours thinking about u...
3+4=7 days in week missing u...
1+11=12 months I always need A SWEET PERSON like U
love you quotes - short message quotes about Love

love you quotes and saying images
☻I know you think I’m cute,
I know you think I’m gorgeous,
but like the other guys
take a number and wait in line!!
☻A smile is the best lighting system of the face, the best cooling system of the head, and the best warming system of the heart. Keep smiling! =)
☻Always remember:
When a girl cancels a date
it is because She “Has To”
When a boy cancels a date
it si becasuse He “Has Two”
love you quotes - short message quotes about Love

quotes for love pictures