Sailor Moon is a famous animation series created by Japanese artist Naoko Takeuchi. The characters are magical female characters, and my daughter loves them and dreams of being magical women like them. In a world of male superheroes, these female heroines are great for young girls.
Here are some coloring page for Sailor Moon fans. I hope you find these fun and enjoyable!

I hope you enjoyed these new Sailor Moon coloring pages. You can buy Sailor Moon coloring books in stores everywhere, in case you want more than what's provided here. Thanks for stopping by! Check back soon for more collections!
Here are some coloring page for Sailor Moon fans. I hope you find these fun and enjoyable!
I hope you enjoyed these new Sailor Moon coloring pages. You can buy Sailor Moon coloring books in stores everywhere, in case you want more than what's provided here. Thanks for stopping by! Check back soon for more collections!