cute romantic love poems

cute romantic love poems for her

why i love you ?
i love you for so many reason
big and small
And all of them are wonderfull
i love you for all the special qualities
that make you one of kind
the only one in the world for me
i love you for the thinks you do
that bring such special meaning to my life
i love you for the silent times
when your eyes and arms tell me all iwant to know
i love you
just because i do
because now
in the despect part of my heart..
a p[lace where there was noting before
there is love
love always...
cute romantic love poems for girlfriend

cute romantic love poems for boyfriend

cute romantic love poems - poem for him

cute romantic love poems for her

why i love you ?
i love you for so many reason
big and small
And all of them are wonderfull
i love you for all the special qualities
that make you one of kind
the only one in the world for me
i love you for the thinks you do
that bring such special meaning to my life
i love you for the silent times
when your eyes and arms tell me all iwant to know
i love you
just because i do
because now
in the despect part of my heart..
a p[lace where there was noting before
there is love
love always...
cute romantic love poems for girlfriend

cute romantic love poems for boyfriend

cute romantic love poems - poem for him